Mother Murphy's takes great pride

in flavorings for bakery dry mixes.

The convenience of bakery dry mixes, plus an interest in baking and cooking, are sparking innovations in dry mix manufacturing like no other time in recent years.

But some things remain unchanged. Dry mixes and their flavors must blend well and taste good, even indulgent, under high heat.

Our Capabilities

Mother Murphy’s understands all these challenges, and has worked with large national and small regional dry mix manufacturers to create flavors and flavor blends that have low-water content, are easily blended and disbursed, and are proven to scale well with other ingredients.

Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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Latest News

Ever wondered why your favorite snacks are so irresistible or how that canned soup tastes just like grandma’s homemade recipe? The answer lies in the fascinating world of flavor houses. These unsung heroes of the food industry play a crucial role in shaping the tastes we know and love. The flavor industry is more important to your daily life than
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The Secret Ingredient – Why the Flavor Industry Matters to You
Welcome to the delectable world of sustainable flavor innovation, where environmental practices meet culinary creativity. The food and flavoring industry is at a turning point, embracing eco-friendly practices that not only tickle the taste buds but also give Mother Nature a big, green hug. Let’s take a flavorful journey through the latest trends and technologies shaping this exciting landscape. It’s
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Eco-Delicious: Crafting Flavor with Sustainability
Ah, the wondrous world of botanicals – a veritable treasure trove of nature’s most exquisite flavors! From the tantalizing tang of citrus zest to the earthy warmth of spice blends, these plant-derived delights have been captivating our taste buds for centuries.But what exactly are botanicals, you ask? Well, my flavor-savvy friends, they are the edible parts of plants – roots,
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Rooted in Flavor – Botanicals
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