Soft Chews

Mother Murphy's can deliver just the
flavor soft chews flavoring that you want – from delicate to wild.Flavoring soft chews begins with the end – how does the candy feel in customers’ mouths? Should it feel chewy, but not gummy? Stretchy, but not stringy? Should those qualities remain the same throughout, or change as the customer chews?
The answers to those questions drive our flavor development for soft chews. For instance, gummy candies can lose flavor over time because the protein in gelatin can bind with flavors. Starch can encapsulate the flavors in jelly centers. Oils used to keep soft chews soft are susceptible to oxidative rancidity, which can create problems for susceptible flavors.
Our Capabilities
We’re worked successfully with large and small confectioners to create soft chew flavors that go beyond mere taste – sweet, sour, rich or savory – to create memorable experiences.