For the average consumer,

smoothies are more than cold drinks in a tall cup.
Retailers like smoothies because they are extremely versatile. Smoothies allow retailers to offer customers an individualized and highly customizable experience. Smoothies can be sold as cold or frozen, with bases of yogurt, milk, juice or water. They can be made with sweet fruits, like strawberries or bananas, or bitter-tasting vegetables like kale. Blending in nutrient additives, such as protein, vitamins and riboflavin, makes smoothies even more individualized for consumers.

Our Smoothie Flavoring Capabilities

At Mother Murphy’s, we love the possibilities that smoothies present. But we know that the natural ingredients that people want in their smoothies can actually lead to a bad-tasting beverage. Our flavor scientists take an end-product approach to this problem, delivering smoothie flavoring that is product-specific and able to alter unpleasant flavor profiles.

Our scientists have successfully developed smoothie flavoring using sweeteners that include refined sugar, as well as honey, agave syrup and stevia.

Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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Latest News

Did you know that the flavors we perceive are in a constant state of flux? It’s a captivating dance between our genes, environment, and life experiences.
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From Flavor Fads to Lifelong Cravings
Uncover the rich history of flavor, from ancient spice markets to modern labs. Explore the evolution of taste that has shaped our world.
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Flavor Quest: An Adventure Through Past, Present, and Future
Ah, nostalgia. It’s not just a word; it’s a journey. A single bite or sip can whisk you away to a different time and place, evoking memories so vivid you can almost hear the laughter of a family gathering or feel the warmth of a summer sun on your face.But what if I told you that this magical journey is
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The Rise of Retro Flavors
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