At Mother Murphy’s we know how to

get the flavors for high-ratio baked goods just right.

Cake flavoring, in both wet and dry forms, complicates that balance. They can interfere with the baking process, adding in too much wetness or dryness to critical ratios. Some spices, such as cinnamon, can even affect the leavening process. And because of the mixing methods used in high-ratio products, particularly cakes, both wet and dry cake flavoring must blend easily and completely with all other ingredients.

The extra sugar used in high-ratio products also creates flavor challenges. As we all know, too-sweet cakes are unappealing, and sweeteners used in place of sugar can retain water and affect moisture ratios.

Our Capabilities

It takes perfect proportions to bake a perfect cake. Having the correct proportion of protein ingredients – flour and eggs – to fat and sugar helps make a cake tender and moist, not dry or spongy.

We design cake flavoring for high-ratio products to be almost foolproof, so they’re easy enough for newly trained bakers at high-volume bakeries to use. We also can create custom flavors for bakeries that want to develop signature or seasonal cakes.

Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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Flavor Builder

Help Mother Murphy's create a sample just for you! Describe the custom flavor sample that you want to build and select the features that will accelerate your next creation.

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